Frank And Oak: Email creation & graphic design
Designs created using mix of Sketch & Photoshop
Welcome Series
Multi-send progression of branded messaging
Send 01: Lead variants with branding & value focus
Send 02: Key category / best-sellers focus
Send 03: Push towards Subscription service with iconography
Style Plan Subscription
Personalized: Data-driven testing resulted in different menswear vs womenswear-buyers’ visuals, but same messaging
Multi-send progression of branded messaging
Send 01: Lead variants with branding & value focus

Send 02: Key category / best-sellers focus

Send 03: Push towards Subscription service with iconography

Style Plan Subscription
Personalized: Data-driven testing resulted in different menswear vs womenswear-buyers’ visuals, but same messaging

Photoshop and illustrator.Realized Choreography

Realized Choreography

Digital Pieces
Created using almost exclusively Sketch
Frank And Oak Internal digital postcards
2020 Quarantine Zoom Social events
Summer BBQ
Invite .gif & Themed drink placards

Scandy Xmas Event
Invite & Themed don't drink and drive posters

Various events posters and flyers

2020 Quarantine Zoom Social events

Summer BBQ
Invite .gif & Themed drink placards

Scandy Xmas Event
Invite & Themed don't drink and drive posters

Various events posters and flyers

AskMen: Email & general graphic design
Designs created using mix of Sketch & Photoshop
Acquire Ecom Newsletter
Paid Brand Takeovers
Trunk Club, vol 01 & vol 02
Paid Brand Takeovers
Trunk Club, vol 01 & vol 02

Illustrations For Sticky Rice (2020-2021)
Visit Their Site >>Pen On Paper, Scanned With Digital Colours
Illustrations of several dishes to accompany the piece "The Sixth Love Language“ written by Linh S. Nguyễn.
See Article >>
Bún riêu cua
Chuối nếp nướng
Gỏi cuốn, bánh chưng and bánh nậm
A family alter
Illustrations to accompany the piece "SPAM“ written by Nikki Celis.
See Article >>
Can of spam, animated by hand, digital colours
sinangág (Spam and egg over garlic fried rice)
Author with their mother in their family’s Calgary kitchen
See Article >>
Bún riêu cua

Chuối nếp nướng

Gỏi cuốn, bánh chưng and bánh nậm

A family alter

Illustrations to accompany the piece "SPAM“ written by Nikki Celis.
See Article >>
Can of spam, animated by hand, digital colours

sinangág (Spam and egg over garlic fried rice)

Author with their mother in their family’s Calgary kitchen